1. What you can learn from a lousy email - analysed in detail with helpful suggestions. Why it's not enough to say what you sell. What matters most when it comes to your e-mails? An example analysed with mistakes and missed opportunities pointed out, plus about 20 simple suggestions for improvement. Some may apply to you - have a look.
2. What an Australian marketer wrote - and my suggestions to him. Martins runs a design studio. He wants more business. He sent me something he was planning to send that I thought. Would I comment? So I did, very frankly. Not once, but twice. He took my demolition jobs very well - and he's still working on his task. We come to his response to what I said in the next video.
3. How Martins responded to my comments - and what I then said. This video and the previous one are all about creative direction really. If you have to critique work or manage people who produce it you might learn a little. I hope you will also learn a little about the difference between good copy and bad copy, plus stuff about incentives and how to use them.
4. Subject lines that work – and ones that flop. E-mail costs you next to nothing - great! Unfortunately most get you next to nothing. Not so great. What makes the difference? The subject line. Most are abysmal. I have written thousands. Here I analyse some losers and some winners to give you the criteria for success.