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Dear Drayton,
In B2B, many people may interfere in decision taking. One worker can be the buyer; another can be the user or an influencer and so on. These people have different desires, interests and experiences…
…And contact all these people together might be tough.
* Have you some tips to make better researches for B2B marketing?
* How to manage businesses database? It’s sometimes hard to find the whole chain of people implied in the decision.
* If we can contact only one people in a business, who should she/he be? Is she/he the CEO ?
Thank you !
Best, David
Business to busness tends to be more profitable than selling to consumers.
So although you cannot avoid doing research – or at any rate renting good lists – it pays to do it properly.
(I find business to business lists are not very good, so get a sample of names to test before you mail).
Ideally you should have a different opening for each job category.
If you cannot get valid details from lists, you have to do your own research.
The CEO is probably – but not necessarily – the best person to write to.
We did a series of emails to despatch managers that were hugely successful.
I will do a short video for you on this.
Hi Drayton,
Thank you very much for your reply :).
I’ve just recorded a video about B2B for you, David.
That was (very) fast ! Thank you.
(Concerning month 8, I’ll watch it today.)
I think the relevant material was in month 6, David.
You will see an email later today that stars you:=) – and does the opposite for me.
Incidentally I think I did a video about this in around month 8.
Hi Rajesh, Kelly here.
Which page are you having the problem on, this one seems to be working fine from my end?
I’ll try and help you out as fast as I can once I know what the problem is.