month 14 – 5





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5 thoughts on “month 14 – 5

  1. Aaron Tyrrell


    If a young copywriter were to come to work for you, with no experience and no previous training, what would you do to train him up? (Obviously don’t expect you to go into step-by-step detail here. But perhaps a quick overview – the books you make them read first, any exercises you might get them to do, how soon you start them writing and how vicious you are with revisions etc.)

    And if an experienced writer came to work for you and you saw room for improvement, what would you do (or get him to do) to bring him up to standard?

    I know you posted the excellent Gary Halbert 30-day challenge not long ago. It’s great. And obviously, it’s unlikely anything you say will be surprising – since you’ve been telling us all since email #1 exactly what we should do if we want to be successful in this game. But I am curious to see your methods, if you have any you routinely use, if you’re willing to share.




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